Top 8 Fruits That Work Best for Ulcer

Stomach ulcers are caused by too much stomach acid that cause sores in your stomach lining, and you may not believe it, but there are fruits that can help. Gastric ulcer disease or peptic ulcer disease is often caused by the bacteria, Helicobacter pylori. They can also be due to use of anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin use, and pain medications. Smoking, eating spicy/greasy foods, and alcohol can also contribute to ulcers. Doctors usually treat it with lifestyle changes, antibiotics, and acid reducing medications. Emphasis will be placed on dietary changes until your stomach heals. This article focuses on things you can do and eat to help speed healing up and feel better quickly.

Top 8 Fruits for Ulcer

Of course, you want to avoid acidic fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, and tangerines. These can increase stomach acid and make heartburn worse. Fruits that can help with ulcers have high levels of antioxidants and flavonoids to help with healing. Some fruits are also high in fiber to help with your digestive function during treatment.

1.     Cranberries

Cranberries are a powerful antibacterial fruit. They are used for urinary tract infections to prevent bacteria from settling in the bladder. With the antibacterial properties, it may be helpful in lowering levels of H. Pylori, one of the causes of ulcers.

There are no recommended amounts, just make sure you don’t eat too much. Eating large amounts can cause stomach pain. If you use cranberries in your ulcer care diet, start slowly and only eat a little at first. You can work your way up as tolerated. Whole cranberries are best. Cranberry juice may be high in sugar and increase stomach acids.

2.     Apples

Apples are rich in pectin that helps coat the stomach and reduce acid levels. They also contain sorbitol that works all through the digestive system to keep things moving along smoothly. They are a high fiber fruit that help remove waste products, and absorb excess acids. Apples also have a mild sedative effect that can calm the stomach and digestive system.

3.     Banana

Looking for fruits for ulcer? Try bananas. Bananas are rich in pectin and starchy fiber. There is 3 whole grams of fiber in bananas, and it is a resistant type of starch that bypasses our stomach and goes straight to the intestines. Here it cultivates really beneficial bacteria for gut healing. The pectin helps reduce stomach acid and coats the lining of the stomach. Just watch how much you eat. Too many bananas can give you a stomach ache.

4.     Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruit is similar to papaya in helping the stomach digest. It is rich in, actinidain, an enzyme that can help break down proteins. This enzyme helps your body digest proteins and calms the stomach after eating.

Kiwi is a high fiber fruit to help absorb acids and promote motility of the digestive system. It contains antioxidants to help lower bacteria levels, and can help make you sleepy! It is also high in vitamin C, so you don’t lose out on that important vitamin while avoiding citrus during ulcer healing.

5.     Melon

Melons are high in vitamin C, which helps the body form collagen to help repair tissue. They are also high in vitamin A, this antioxidant helps regenerate the mucosa in the digestive tract, and strengthens the immune system to speed up healing. Melons are also a “low-acid” fruit, and high in fiber.

6.     Pears

Pears are very good for the digestive tract and are one of the best fruits for ulcer. They are high in fiber, they contain non-soluble polysaccharide that helps bulk up waste in the intestines, and they aid in regulating digestive juices. The gritty nature of the pear flesh has been shown to have a very protective effect on the lining of the stomach and the intestines. They can reduce damage from free radicals, and help heal the digestive tissue.

7.     Peaches

Peaches are another non acidic fruit that can help you get needed vitamin C. The vitamin C can help promote healing of ulcers and boost your immune system to fight off an H. Pylori infection. They are also another high fiber fruit that helps promote good digestive health.

8.     Berries

Berries of a variety of colors help boost antioxidants in the body to help you heal. Berries are also low in acid and have a variety of nutrients and minerals that give you adequate nutrition while healing from an ulcer. Berries have a variety of healing compounds that can speed up healing, including:

  • Rutin isa natural anti-inflammatory that can relieve inflammation in the stomach lining
  • Flavanols help strengthen the body’s defenses to speed healing
  • Fiber keeps the digestive system healthy)
  • Ellagic Acid: Natural anti-bacterial
  • Phytochemicals: Natural cell protectant

Tips for Using Fruits for Ulcer Healing

Fruits can be a good way to get needed nutrients and boost your body’s defenses. Just make sure you follow these simple guidelines:

  • Follow your doctor’s plan. Make sure that anything you eat while healing an ulcer is okay with your doctor. Some fruits or foods may do more harm than good. Your doctor may give you a handout sheet on diet to follow. Stick to it.
  • Lightly steam or cook fruits. In the early stages of healing, if you are unable to tolerate raw fruits or vegetables, lightly steam or cook them.
  • Take fruits throughout the day. Try not to eat all your daily servings of fruit at once. Rather, eat small amounts throughout the day.
  • Drink fluids with fruits. Some fruits have large amounts of water in them and you may not feel thirsty. Never use fruit as a substitute for drinking fluids. If you eat a piece of fruit, drink a glass of water. This will also help break them down and aid digestion.