Can Flu Cause Frequent Urination?

An unusual increase in the number of bathroom visits means you are suffering from a condition called frequent urination. It usually means you need to use the bathroom for more than 8 times a day. People who suffer from this condition often have to wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Other symptoms include a strong urge to urinate and bladder discomfort. So many things can lead to this condition, but many people ask if flu can cause frequent urination. Let's find out the answer now!

Can Flu Cause Frequent Urination?

Flu in itself is not responsible for causing frequent urination. However, you may be experiencing an increase in the number of bathroom visits because of an increased intake of fluids. Your doctor may have advised you to drink more water and fluids to speed up recovery and that additional fluid may be responsible for frequent urination. You usually do not need to worry about anything here because you become normal once you cut your fluid intake.

When to See a Doctor

You should talk to your doctor regarding frequent urination if:

  • There seems to be no apparent cause of frequent urination, such as drinking alcohol, fluids, or caffeine.
  • It affects your sleep quality or interferes with your daily activities.
  • You also have some other urinary problems.

You should seek immediate medical attention if you notice blood in your urine, pain while urinating, dark brown/red urine, difficulty emptying your bladder, and loss of bladder control. Some people also develop pain in their side or groin along with fever. Be sure to talk to your doctor immediately because these symptoms usually indicate a more severe urinary tract problem.

Conditions That Can Indeed Cause Frequent Urination

Can flu cause frequent urination? It actually depends on how much water you drink while recovering, but some conditions can certainly lead to frequent urination.

Causes of Urge Incontinence

Any problem with the detrusor muscles, which are located in the walls of your bladder, can lead to the urgent need to urinate. The bladder fills itself with urine only when the detrusor muscles relax. These muscles contract to help you empty your bladder. You may have to deal with urge incontinence when these muscles start to contract too often. This also means you have an overactive bladder. Exactly what makes these muscles to contract too often is not clear, but there certainly are some contributing factors. For instance:

  • You drink too much alcohol or caffeinated beverages.
  • You do not drink enough water, which leaves concentrated urine to collect your bladder and irritate it in return.
  • You have constipation.
  • You have tumors in the bladder, urinary tract infections, or other problems related to the lower urinary tract.
  • You have some neurological conditions.
  • You take certain medications.

Causes of Overflow Incontinence

Also called chronic urinary retention, overflow incontinence is usually the result of an obstruction or blockage of your bladder. It means that your bladder fills up normally but you cannot empty it completely. Moreover, the accumulated urine may also put pressure and cause frequent leaks.

An obstructed bladder could be the result of constipation, bladder stones, an enlarged prostate gland, or detrusor muscles not contracting properly. Your detrusor muscles fail to contract if you are taking certain medications or you have damaged your nerves.

How to Manage It

Your treatment depends on what type of incontinence you have and how severe your symptoms are. Your doctor will also consider if an underlying condition is causing problem. If that is the case, they will treat that condition at the same time. In most cases, your doctor will try conservative treatment options first. For instance:

1.    Lifestyle Changes

Generally, you can treat frequent urination by making some lifestyle changes. Irrespective of what type of incontinence you have, certain lifestyle changes will always help manage your condition better. For instance, you should limit your intake of caffeinated beverages. Found in coffee, tea, and cola, caffeine is a diuretic and increases the production of urine. Similarly, you need to pay attention to how much fluid you take on a daily basis. You may want to cut back a little to see if it improves your frequent urination problem. Moreover, you may benefit from losing weight if you are obese or overweight and have urinary problems.

2.    Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

Along with making some lifestyle changes, it is important to perform exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are around the bladder and urethra, and help control the flow of urine.

Damaged or weak pelvic floor muscles can lead to urinary incontinence, which is why you may benefit from performing Kegel exercises. It is important to see your doctor first because they will determine the severity of the problem and see if you can squeeze your pelvic floor muscles to a certain extent or not. They will design an exercise program considering your assessment. In most cases, you need to do at least 8 contractions thrice a day. This usually continues for up to three months and then your doctor evaluates your situation to see if you are benefiting from it.

Studies show that performing Kegel exercises regularly leads to fewer leaking episodes. It also improves the quality of your life. Men can also reduce urinary incontinence with these exercises. Kegel exercises are especially beneficial after men have their prostate gland removed.

3.    Bladder Training

You should start bladder training soon after your doctor tells you that you have urge incontinence. This is usually the first line of treatment. You can combine it with pelvic floor muscle training to get better results. It is all about training your body how to increase duration between having the urge to urinate and passing urine. You usually need to work with your doctor up to six weeks. In case these conservative measures fail, you will have no choice but to undergo a surgical procedure.