Top 10 Foods that Make You More Fertile

If you are trying to conceive, you might be thinking about foods to eat for that purpose. While fertility is pretty much up to yours and your partner’s bodies, eating a healthy diet to prepare for conception is important. There are ongoing studies about the ability of some foods to boost your fertility. This article lists some of the foods that may increase your chances of getting pregnant. There are also other helpful tips that may help you conceive faster.

Top 10 Foods That Make You Fertile 

When trying to conceive, you need foods that boost healthy ovulation. Your partner will also want to eat foods that can increase healthy sperm production. There are a variety of different things that can help you both. The main important nutrients needed include; protein, dairy, and complex carbs that increase B vitamin levels, and a handful of other enzymes. Here is a list of foods that can help you get these nutrients:

1. Milk

For women, whole milk may boost ovulation. Keep in mind it has to be a “full fat” milk product to help. Low-fat milk products can actually lower fertility in women. Try to get at least 3 servings of whole milk or whole milk products daily like; yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, or cream cheese.

For men, keep milk to 2 servings per day. Milk may actually impede sperm count. Men should try nut milks that are richer in protein.

2. Eggs

Eggs are an all-around good food for fertility. They contain whole proteins, zinc, and B6 that are good for both male and female fertility. They also contain high amounts of choline in the yolk. Choline is said to help create healthy ovum (eggs) in females. They are also high in CoQ10, which is a powerful antioxidant that can help keep sperm healthy, and increase the motility (swimming power) of sperm.

 3. Citrus Fruits

Eating plenty of citrus helps boost vitamin C levels in men and women trying to conceive. Vitamin C can increase ovulation, and boost sperm counts. It is also an antioxidant that can prevent sperm from becoming damaged, and can prevent them from clumping together.

4. Raw Pumpkin Seeds

Raw pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc. This nutrient helps improve reproductive health in both males, and females. Zinc helps improve chances of healthy ovulation and boosts sperm production. It is recommended that men get at least 11 mg of zinc daily, and females get at least 8 mg a day. There is around 5 mg of zinc in ½ cup of raw pumpkin seeds. You can toss them into salads, eat them in a snack, or mix them with your granola for a tasty treat.

5. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens contain folic acid, B vitamins, and iron. These are all good for couples trying to conceive. They are also an alkaline food that helps promote a healthy environment for sperm. Sperm can die in an acidic environment. Improving the alkalinity of cervical mucous will help sperm make it through the cervical canal to the egg. Try to get at least 3 servings daily of; kale, spinach, bok choy, or chard for best results.

6. Salmon

Salmon is a high protein food that is also rich in vitamin E. Protein helps fuel the reproductive system in both males and females. The vitamin E can help balance reproductive hormone levels, and increases the sperm count.

 7. Quinoa

The mediterranean diet promotes Quinoa as one of the foods that make you fertile. Quinoa is a complete protein that is recommended over animal proteins in people trying to conceive. It is also high in vitamin B12, that can boost sperm production. Quinoa is easy to make and served as both a side dish, or main dish. You can toss it into salads, eat it as a hot cereal with fruit mixed in, or stir in a dash of olive oil for added taste.

8. Bananas

Bananas have vitamin B6 that can help regulate reproductive hormone levels in males and females. This essential vitamin helps keep female cycles balanced, increases healthy eggs, and encourages healthy sperm in males. Bananas are great as a quick snack, sliced on cereal, or frozen for a cold treat.

9. Asparagus

Asparagus is quite a popular fertility food with many benefits. For one, ancient recordings show that it has been used for centuries for infertility treatment. It can help thin the cervical mucous, so the vaginal environment is more hospitable to sperm. In men, it can help boost needed nutrients in semen to help nourish sperm. Asparagus is good sauteed with garlic and olive oil, steamed, or even thrown on the hot grill. Add some sea salt, or enjoy with shaved parmesan cheese.

10. Pineapple

Pineapple is an excellent anti-inflammatory food due to bromelain. This helps keep the uterus and fallopian tubes calm and relaxed. This helps the uterus be more receptive to a fertilized egg. It is also helpful in thinning cervical mucus. Contrary to what you might think, once you eat pineapple it becomes more alkaline. This may be helpful in improving the alkalinity of semen and cervical fluids. Try to eat ½ cup of pineapple two to three times weekly.

Other Helpful Tips

In addition to eating foods that make you fertile, there are a few other things you can do to help boost fertility. These include:

  • Know your cycle. Ovulation occurs around day 14, but chances of becoming pregnant increase if you begin having intercourse around day 10. Keep a log of your period, when you have thin cervical mucus, and lower body temperatures around mid-cycle.
  • Have sex every-other-day. This will help sperm counts build up in-between.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking can damage sperm, and prevent healthy eggs from forming.
  • Don’t think about it too much. Worry over not being able to conceive can often prevent ovulation. Try to relax.
  • Try to lose extra weight. Being overweight can cause reproductive hormone imbalances, and may even prevent ovulation in women.
  • Stay in bed for at least 15 minutes before you get up to go to the bathroom. While you don’t need to do handstands, gravity will cause semen to run out before it has a chance to reach the cervix.