Should You Worry About Bleeding at 9 Weeks of Pregnancy?

If you start bleeding during your pregnancy, it is easy to get frightened. Blood loss in pregnancy doesn’t always mean you are having a miscarriage. In fact, first trimester bleeding can be more common than you realize. Because bleeding can be linked to something more serious, it is important to consider other causes and let your doctor know immediately so they can decide what is next. If you are bleeding at 9 weeks pregnancy, there may be a few things happening.

Should You Worry About Bleeding at 9 Weeks of Pregnancy?

Your baby and pregnancy are most likely fine, as light bleeding or spotting is generally harmless. If the bleeding is because of a miscarriage, it will be accompanied by cramps and the bleeding would get heavier. Light bleeding, or spotting will often stop on its own. Many professionals believe about half of all moms who seek medical assistance because of bleeding at 9 weeks pregnancy and earlier still go on to have their baby.

Common Causes of This Bleeding

Often in early pregnancy, spotting and bleeding tend to happen when your period would be due, and may even last a day or two. You may only see it when you wipe or it may be just a bit in your panties.

Experts aren’t certain, but this bleeding may be because:

  • Hormones in charge of menstruation trigger the bleeding, breakthrough bleeding, and this may happen more than one time.
  • The fertilized egg implanted in your uterine lining, causing light bleeding. This is less likely than breakthrough bleeding.

Other reasons why your body may be experience bleeding at 9 weeks of pregnancy include:

  • Cervix irritation. Hormone changes in pregnancy will change your cervix, making it more prone to bleeding, especially after sex.
  • Uterine growths such as fibroids
  • Cervical polyps, or small harmless growths in the cervix
  • Vaginal or cervical infection
  • Genetic disorders such as Von Willebrand Disease, where your blood doesn’t clot well

But It Can Be Due to Serious Conditions As Well

There are some cases where bleeding at 9 weeks pregnancy is a sign of serious issues. It can be from a fall, or blow to the belly, triggering bleeding. The following may also be why you are bleeding.


Most common in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, miscarriage is often thought to be the reason why a woman is bleeding at 9 weeks of pregnancy and is one of the biggest concerns. It is important to remember that first trimester bleeding doesn’t necessarily mean you are miscarrying. It is even true that if the heartbeat is found on the ultrasound, 90% of those with first trimester bleeding won’t miscarry.

Other miscarriage symptoms include:

  • Pain in lower abdomen or cramping
  • Fluids discharging from your vagina
  • Tissues discharging from your vagina
  • Pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea and breast tenderness being gone

Ectopic Pregnancy

A tubal or ectopic pregnancy may also be the reason why you are bleeding. Doctors will use your history, ultrasound and lab reports to determine if this is the case. This is the most dangerous cause behind first trimester bleeding.

Ectopic pregnancy is when the egg implants outside of the uterus, in the fallopian tube. As this egg grows, it can cause the fallopian tube to rupture, and life-threatening bleeding can occur. Symptoms may include lightheadedness, pain and bleeding. These pregnancies generally cause pain before the tenth week of pregnancy. The fetus can’t develop and will die from lack of nutrition. This happens in roughly 3% of pregnancies.

Ectopic pregnancy risks include:

  • History of ectopic pregnancies
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • History of infertility
  • History of tubal surgery
  • IUD
  • Smoking
  • Frequent douching

It is important to note that only roughly half of women who have an ectopic pregnancy had risk factors present.

Molar Pregnancy

A molar pregnancy or gestational trophoblastic disease can also occur in case of bleeding at 9 weeks of pregnancy. This is when the ultrasound shows abnormal tissue instead of a healthy fetus. This is a type of tumor that results from hormones and is often not threatening. There are some rare instances where these cells are found to be cancerous. If cancerous, it can invade the uterine wall and spread.

Signs of molar pregnancy:

  • Blood tests with higher than normal hCG levels
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • No fetal heartbeats
  • Ultrasound reveals grape-like cluster growths in uterus.

When to Call the Doctor

Call your doctor if there is any bleeding that lasts longer than a day, and much sooner if the bleeding is heavier than spotting. If you have moderate to heavy bleeding, abdominal pain, fever, cramping, and chills, or you pass tissues with the bleeding, call your doctor immediately.

Your doctor may request to gently examine you or arrange an ultrasound. The scan can rule out ectopic pregnancy and check for your baby’s health. There may be a few other tests your doctor will ask for. Hormones may be checked from urine and blood labs. Rhesus status and blood group may also be tested at this point.