Can You Use Toothpaste to Treat Burns?

Bruises, burns, and cuts are common skin injuries, but they require immediate attention. The good thing is that you usually do not need medical intervention to treat these minor injuries. Many people turn to simple home remedies like toothpaste on burns, and many people do it without knowing if it is going to help treat bruises or burns. Should you really be using it on your burns? Let's find out now!

Is It Safe to Use Toothpaste on Burns?

While it is a common practice to use toothpaste on your burns and bruises, doctors usually advise against its use. Still, this remedy can help you find some relief from the painful stinging sensation of common household burns and bruises. What you should also bear in mind is that toothpaste is not sterile, which is why it can be dangerous to put it on an open wound. It can also interfere with your body's natural healing process, which is why blisters may take longer to heal after you have used toothpaste.

Do Not Use It on Severe Burns

It is important to bear in mind that you should never apply any non-sterile substance, including toothpaste on any second or third degree burn. These types of burns damage all layers of your skin along with tissues underneath it. Third degree wounds are even more serious and are always at a greater risk of becoming infected. Toothpaste may have bacteria and other contaminants that can cause serious damage when applied to a third-degree burn. You should go see your doctor to have your third degree burns treated properly.

Even second-degree burns require quick attention because you sustain damage to layers of skin. You usually develop blisters after these burns, and applying toothpaste on these burns would dry out the blister and lead to the flaking of the outer skin layers before the layers underneath them. This can affect the healing process.

Keep in mind that even when you have a superficial burn, you should still think before applying toothpaste on burns. Ensure that you do not have any open wound and there is no risk of infection before applying toothpaste to any bruise or burn.

Safe Home Remedies for Minor Burns

You should talk to your doctor if your burn seems severe, but you can deal with minor burns on your own. Here are some safe home remedies to try.

1.    Cold Water

Simply run cold water over your affected area to help prevent the burn from spreading. Be sure to keep it under running water for several minutes. It may also help to place a cold compress over your burn for a few minutes. Do it several times a day to reduce inflammation and accelerate healing.

2.    Aloe Vera

With its astringent and healing properties, aloe vera can be used to treat your minor burns. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and extract its juice. Apply it directly to your affected area and leave it there for relief.

3.    Black Tea Bags

Black tea contains tannic acid that helps get heat out of your burn. This in turn reduces pain and accelerates recovery. Simply take three tea bags and steep then in a bowl filled with warm water. Once the mixture becomes cool, take a clean cloth, soak it in the mixture and then place it over your burn for a few minutes. Repeat several times a day for relief.

4.    Vinegar

Vinegar proves effective because it has antiseptic and astringent properties. It can help treat burns and prevent infections at the same time. Take equal amounts of water and apple cider vinegar. Mix it well and use it to rinse the affected area. Now, take a cloth soaked in diluted vinegar and then place it over the affected area. Do it thrice a day for relief.

5.    Lavender Essential Oil

It has antiseptic properties and also helps reduce pain. It also lowers your risk of scarring. Take two cups of water and add five drops of lavender oil to it. Take a clean cloth, soak it in the water, and then place it over the affected area. Be sure to dilute lavender oil before use because it can be too strong for your skin.

6.    Oats

It soothes your skin and reduces inflammation at the same time. You can use oats to accelerate the healing process. Simply add a cup of oats to your bathtub and soak in the water for about 20 minutes. If you have a smaller burn, you can add oats to a small bowl and soak the affected area in it for a few minutes. Be sure to air dry your affected skin after soaking.

7.    Coconut Oil

With its vitamin E content, coconut oil can improve healing and prevent infection. Its strong antibacterial and antifungal properties make it a much better alternative to applying toothpaste on burns. Mixing lemon juice to coconut oil and applying it to a scar may help reduce its appearance.

When to See a Doctor

Home remedies work well for minor burns, but you need to see your doctor if the condition does not get better. Also seek medical attention if:

  • Your burn is bigger than three inches
  • You have a burn on your hands, face, or buttocks
  • Your wound becomes smelly and there is severe pain
  • You have a high temperature
  • You have a second or third degree burn

Do not try to treat your third-degree burns at home because of serious complications, such as infections, shock, and blood loss. It is important to avoid treating burns resulting from an electric shock. You are likely to have a third-degree burn if you see waxy, white-colored skin with leathery texture. Dark brown color may also indicate you have a third-degree burn.