How to Stop Involuntary Eye Twitching (Based on Causes)

Have you experienced having your eye lid blinks uncontrollably and you can’t seem to make it stop? Myokymia, or simply known as involuntary eye twitching, is a condition that is not uncommon to many of us. Most of its causes are fatigue or seasonal allergies; however, there are other causes that are total mystery. Though it’s quiet annoying when you’re having this condition, there’s nothing to worry about as nine out of ten times, it’s rarely a cause for concern.

Despite not being a dangerous condition, we should not be totally ignore involuntary eye twitching. Below are some of the reasons why this happens and what are the things that you can do to stop eye twitching.

What Causes Eye Twitching and How to Stop It Accordingly?

Eye twitching occurs when there is rippling muscle contractions either the lower eyelid or the upper eyelid of one eye. Though most of the eye twitches come and go, there are cases when it lasts for weeks and even months. To know how to put a stop on this annoying condition, we need to know the causes first in order to address the issue. Below are the common causes why your eyes twitch.

1.   Stress

Our body displays different reactions when we are under stress. One visual sign that you are under too much stress lately is eye twitching.

Find ways to reduce your stress levels. Take a short walk, smell the flowers, enroll in a yoga class, work out in a gym, spend time with your family and friends, sing your heart out, dance to your favorite beat are some of the simple way of coping stress.

2.   Exhaustion

Not getting proper sleep can trigger eye twitching. To stop eye twitching, make sure that you hit the sack early and get the recommended hours of sleep. Avoid caffeine and strenuous activities especially at the latter part of the day. Turn off all electronic gadgets one hour before your bedtime.

3.   Eye Strain

Most of the times, we forget to take care of our eyes. We spend long hours in front of the television or computers, which puts so much strain on our eyes. Twitching is triggered when your eyes have been working too hard. Have your vision checked and see if prescription eyeglass is necessary. Also use the 20-20-20 rule when using digital devices: For every 20 minutes, look away from the screen and focus your eyes on an object that is at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds or more.

4.   Caffeine

If you’ve been having eye twitching, blame it on how much coffee you consume. Eye twitching is one of the side effects of too much caffeine. Reduce your caffeine intake or switch to decaffeinated versions for at least a week to stop eye twitching.

5.   Alcohol

Too much alcohol triggers eye twitching because the nerve-endings that are responsible for motor control are hyper-stimulated. If you’re experiencing persistent eye twitching, cut down or totally eliminate alcohol consumption.

6.   Dry Eyes

You are at high risk of dry eyes if you are using computers, wearing contact lenses, taking certain medications and consuming too much alcohol or caffeine. You can also have dry eyes if you are under stress or exhausted.

Visit your eye doctor if you have dry eyes. You can also use artificial tears or other lubricating eye drops to restore the moisture of your eye’s surface.

7.   Nutritional Imbalances

Suffering from vitamin and mineral deficiencies can have an effect on your muscle’s function, including those of the eyes. Eyelid spasms are triggered if you lack nutritional substances such as vitamin D, vitamin B12 and magnesium.

If you feel that your eye spasms are triggered by nutritional imbalance, consult a general practitioner. He may run some tests to verify these deficiencies and provide necessary supplements.

8.   Allergies

One of the most common symptoms of eye allergy is having swelling, twitching and watery eyes. To stop eye twitching caused by allergies, visit your doctor. He may recommend antihistamine tablets or eye drops.

When Should You See a Doctor?

Visit your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms below:

  • If the spasms are strong enough that you are forced to completely close your eyelid.
  • Twitch that lasts more than a week.
  • Twitch that is accompanied by other facial muscles.
  • Having red or swollen eyes with discharge.
  • Having a drooping upper eyelid.

In severe cases of eye twitching, botulinum toxin (botox) injections are used to provide relief of severe spasms. Some severe cases require surgery to remove some of the nerves and muscles in the eyelids.

Your doctor may refer you to neurologist or other specialist if she suspects that your eye twitching is caused by brain or nerve problem.