PH of Lemon Juice

In her book, The Fat Flush Foods, nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman states that lemon juice is one of the top fat flushers available. Lemons boost the natural detoxification process in our bodies, says Theresa Cheung in her book The Lemon Juice Diet. However, lemon juice is not a miracle cure. Both authors agree that lemon juice is merely one component of a healthy weight loss plan. Lemons are highly acidic, so, as with anything, consuming too much lemon juice can be less than helpful to the system. It is important to consult a doctor or specialist before going on a new weight-loss plan.

PH of Lemon Juice

Anything with a pH of less than 7 is an acidic solution. Lemon juice has a pH of around 2.3, making it highly acidic. This isn't a huge surprise since lemons are full of citric and ascorbic acids.

While conducting extensive research to write her book, Cheung found that because of their pH, lemons are a natural ingredient for boosting the body's digestive system. Lemons have 7 to 8 percent citric acid which is the highest level in any fruit. When you combine this acid with other acids and enzymes, like those found in the stomach lining, the stomach juices are stimulated, leading to more efficient digestion.

Benefits and Uses of Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice Detox


Detox diets cleanse the body of harsh toxins and help many to jumpstart their weight loss. Detoxing improves energy levels, bowel movements, digestion and gives clearer skin.


2 cups water

6 tbsp. lemon juice

1 tbsp. organic maple syrup

½ tsp. cinnamon powder

½ tsp. cayenne pepper


Use hot water and a spoonful of sugar or honey in this recipe. If this is your first detox then dilute the lemon juice with lots of water. Sip this mixture all throughout the day, and avoid carbohydrates, dairy and proteins.

Detox should be done for about 6-7 days and be sure to eat raw fruits and vegetables to help your body adjust before beginning the juice detox.

Lemon Juice for Weight Loss


The high acidic content of lemon juice lowers the body's absorption of sugars. The peels contain pectin which also helps with weight loss. Lemon juice can also help your body in its absorption of calcium.


Add a slice of lemon to a cup of hot water and drink it in the morning when you wake up. Make sure the lemon has been well washed.

Make infused water by soaking some lemon slices in a full bottle and carry it with you to drink throughout the day.

Eat the peel. The pectin found in the peel helps curb your appetite. Use a whole lemon in water for detox and mix with honey or other natural ingredients.

Plan a diet to incorporate lemon juice into and be sure to get adequate physical exercise.


Do not brush your teeth right after you drink lemon juice and be sure to drink through a straw in order to protect the enamel on your teeth.

Try also using the Master Cleanse which adds maple syrup and cayenne pepper so you do not over-consume lemon juice. The Master Cleanse contains more calories and the cayenne will help clean the bowels.

Other Benefits



Kidney Stones Prevention

Drinking ½ a cup of lemon juice everyday raises the citrate levels in urine which can prevent kidney stones from forming.

Sore Throat Relief

Honey and lemon juice is an all-natural remedy for sore throats. The mixture of the two coats the throat to sooth irritated throat walls.

Itch Relief

Cornstarch mixed with lemon juice can stop the itch or sting from many insect bites. Rashes from things like poison ivy can also benefit from a little cornstarch and lemon juice.

Digestion Promotion

Consuming a mixture of lemon juice and flax seeds can help get rid of waste quickly from the body.


Citrous limonoids in lemon juice protect cells from damage that can lead to the formation of cancerous cells.

Fever Relief

They say to starve a fever, but with lemon juice all you need to do is drink. The acids and compounds in lemons will reduce the heat from a fever.

Precautions for Drinking Lemon Juice

  • Drinking water and lemon juice to lose weight should only be used as a short-term plan to jumpstart your weight loss diet. Doing a lemon juice fast for extended periods will deprive your body of the carbohydrates, proteins and nutrients it needs for healthy functioning.
  • Anyone with a history of irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, diarrhea or even chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and liver disorders should never do a water and lemon juice diet. Seek a specialist's advice on a diet that will not put the body into starvation mode.
  • Lemon juice is safe for women who are pregnant or breast feeding, but only if it is being used as a part of their normal diet. It is unknown whether it is safe to used lemon juice in larger amounts during these times, so moderation is the best course of action.
  • The appropriate amount of lemon juice for someone to use as a medicinal treatment varies based on things such as age, health and preexisting conditions. Currently there is not sufficient scientific information to determine dosages for lemons or lemon juice. It's important to know that natural products are not always safe in higher doses. Follow directions on all product labels and talk to a pharmacist or other specialist before deciding whether or not to add lemon juice to your diet regimen.